We can use
QTP Automation Object Model (AOM) to write scripts that automate QTP operations
.The Quick Test AOM provides objects, methods, and properties that we can use
to control Quick Test from other application .
*Here is the example how we can create the
QuickTest application object and automate some basic operations of QTP :-
qtApp=CreateObject(“QuickTest.Application”) ‘ Create the application Object
‘ Start Quick Test
‘ Make it visible
qtApp.Options.DisableVORecognition = False
We can also
create the object for Action,Action Parameter, Addin ,DataTable,Object
Repositories etc. and successfully automate their operation from outside the
*Here is the example that opens QTP Test with
associated addins:-
Dim qtApp 'As
QuickTest.Application ' Declare the Application object variable
Dim blnNeedChangeAddins '
Declare a flag for indicating whether the test's associated add-ins are
currently loaded
Dim arrTestAddins '
Declare the variable for storing the test's associated add-ins
Set qtApp =
CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object
arrTestAddins =
qtApp.GetAssociatedAddinsForTest("C:\Tests\Test1") ' Create an array
containing the list of addins associated with this test
' Check if all required
add-ins are all already loaded
blnNeedChangeAddins =
False ' Assume no change is necessary
For Each testAddin In
arrTestAddins ' Iterate over the test's associated add-ins list
If qtApp.Addins(testAddin).Status <>
"Active" Then ' If an associated add-in is not loaded
blnNeedChangeAddins = True ' Indicate
that a change in the loaded add-ins is necessary
Exit For ' Exit the loop
End If
If qtApp.Launched And
blnNeedChangeAddins Then
qtApp.Quit ' If a change is necessary,
exit QuickTest to modify the loaded add-ins
End If
If blnNeedChangeAddins
Dim blnActivateOK
blnActivateOK =
qtApp.SetActiveAddins(arrTestAddins, errorDescription) ' Load the add-ins
associated with the test and check whether they load successfully.
If Not blnActivateOK Then ' If a problem
occurs while loading the add-ins
MsgBox errorDescription ' Show a
message containing the error
WScript.Quit ' And end the automation
End If
End If
If Not qtApp.Launched
Then ' If QuickTest is not yet open
qtApp.Launch ' Start QuickTest (with the
correct add-ins loaded)
End If
qtApp.Visible = True '
Make the QuickTest application visible
"C:\Tests\Test1" ' Open the test
Set qtApp = Nothing '
Release the Application object